Friday, August 25, 2006


Blueberry Muffin (Einsteins) - 5 points
Small Orange Juice (Einsteins) - 2 points

Chef Salad (MacAlpines) - 14 points

2 Beef Soft Tacos (Taco Bell) - 8 points

TOTAL - 29 points (31)

I went to this place called MacAlpines with my friends at work today. It's this 50s style restaurant on 7th St and Oak. I got the Chef Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing. There are no nutrition stats for this small place. So I did some research, a normal chef salad is about 7-9 points (without dressing), andI added 4 for the dressing and an additional point as a buffer. I should have said no to this MacAlpines and just gone ot Subway, but I think 14 points for a salad is generous. I even had 2 to spare today in case I was wrong.

I am definitely losing weight. You can't tell by looking at me, but my size 42 shorts are much easier to put on now. If I just go to the gym tomorrow and Sunday I might pull off dropping 3 pounds this week.

OK, gym time tomorrow. BOOYA!

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