Saturday, February 03, 2007


Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Spicy Chicken Burrito - 10 points

2 Beef Mini-Chimichangas - 6 points
2 Chicken Mini-Flautas - 6 points

Fruit and Nut Granols Bar - 3 points

Healthy Choice Chocolate Bar - 2 points

TOTAL - 32 points (27)

No gym on Friday and I went over on points. Bad Jeff, Bad!


Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Steak and Cheese Burrito - 6 points

Hormel Vegetable Beef Stew - 7 points

2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

Healthy Choice Chocolate Bar - 2 points

TOTAL - 26 points (27)

I went to the gym on Thursday.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


6" Steak and Cheese Sub (Subway) - 10 points
Baked Lays - 2 points

Nacho Cheese Twistaroni - 9 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

TOTAL - 24 points (27)

Went to the gym again today.


2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 6 points

2 Spicy Chicken Burritos (Del Taco) - 20 points

2 Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches - 6 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

TOTAL - 35 points (27)

I ran an 8:18 mile today, but ate a little too much. Must corral the food!

Monday, January 29, 2007


2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 6 points

6" Turkey Sub (Subway) - 5 points
Baked Lays Chips - 2 points

3 Carnitas Empanadas- 9 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

TOTAL - 25 points (27)

I need to run to Costco and get some yogurt. Granola Bars for Breakfast every morning can get boring. No gym today.


3 Blueberry WeightWatcher's Muffins - 9 points

NesQuik Fat-Free Chocolate Milk - 3 points

2 Chicken Tacos (Del Taco) - 14 points

3 Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 9 points

TOTAL - 35 points (27)

I went to the gym today, but must corral the food tomorrow.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 230.50 lbs

Weight Lost: 53.75 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 30.50 lbs

2 pounds lost this week. Good job. Saturday probably cost me a bit, but the move to 27 points was a wise one. I got more creative on Breakfast. I love cereal, but it is time for cereal to go bye-bye. I'd like to get Breakfast and Lunch down to 12 or 13 points, leaving 14 or 15 for the rest of the day.

So again, this week the goal is to lose 2 pounds or more. Right now I am producing a good week followed by a mediocre or bad week followed by a good one. I haven't had Two 2 pound loss weeks consecutively since October (I'm not counting the Dec 30th weigh-in because it was a guess).

I am meeting with a personal trainer on Saturday to go over my workout routine and map out what I need to do to reach the goal.

Another 2.75 pounds lost and I will reach the 2/3 mark. Stay tuned!

Here's my progress so far:

110 Days until May 18th.


2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

Taste of India (It was Rice, Chicken, and Mushroom) - 15 points (but who really knows)

5 Taquitos - 7 points

2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 6 points

TOTAL - 34 points (27)

I got trapped at Taste of India. I had no idea what half the menu was. I did not go to the gym on Saturday.

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