Saturday, March 17, 2007

Saturday - 64 Days Left - 18.75 lbs remaining

3 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 9 points

2 Steak and Cheese Burritos - 12 points

Healthy Choice Chocolate Bar - 2 points

TOTAL - 23 points (27)

I did well on Saturday, not only did I eat rather little, but I exercised a ton today. I did 2 miles on the treadmill, some weights, the elliptical, and did a 3.6 mile hike at South Mountain.

Friday - 65 Days Left - 18.75 lbs remaining

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Tortilla Enchilada Stack (Tortilla Factory) - unkown, probably not good

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

TOTAL - ??? points (27)

Poor judgement on Friday, should have taken a salad from the menu. The cheese from the Enchilada stack was a bit excessive. No gym on Friday.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Thursday - 66 Days Left - 18.75 lbs remaining

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

6" Subway Turkey Sub - 5 points

Baked Lays Chips - 2 points

4 Carnitas Empanadas - 9 points
2 Chicken Taquitos - 3 points

Healthy Choice Chocolate Bar - 2 points

TOTAL - 26 points (27)

Went to the gym on Thursday. Not sure how much ground I'm gaining this week.

Wednesday - 67 Days Left - 18.75 lbs remaining

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Spicy Chicken Burrito (Del Taco) - 10 points

Chicken Caesar Salad (Sonora Brewhouse) - 12 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

TOTAL - 36 points (27)

I did not go to the gym on Wednesday, and I did poorly on food as well.

Tuesday - 68 Days Left - 18.75 lbs remaining

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

6" Subway Turkey Sub - 5 points

Baked Lays Chips - 2 points

Teriyaki Chicken Bowl - 9 points

2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

TOTAL - 27 points (27)

I went to the gym on Tuesday.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday - 69 Days Left - 18.75 lbs remaining

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

2 Steak and Cheese Burritos - 12 points

Healthy Choice Chocolate Bar - 2 points

TOTAL - 25 points (27)

A new Personal Best 1 Mile on the treadmill - 7:58. I'm looking to go for a 5K again on Saturday.

Sunday - 70 Days Left - 18.75 lbs remaining

4 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 12 points

Chicken Soup - 4 points

3 Dinner Rolls - 8 points

Double-Double (IN-N-OUT) - 16 points
French Fries - 9 points
Coke - 4 points

TOTAL - 53 points (27)

I worked hard the last week. In-N-Out was in order for that performance.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 218.75 lbs

Weight Lost: 64.50 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 18.75 lbs

(EDIT - MARCH 12th - Yeah I was right, most of this was water loss because of my hike on saturday. It was still a great week anyways.)

.....WHOA! From Sunday to Sunday this was probably the best week I have put together in the last 7 months. My eating was solid every day this week, and I ran a 5K on the treadmill, hiked about 5 miles, and went to the gym 6 times this week, SIX TIMES!!!!!

I have a feeling that some of this weeks loss can be attributed to water loss, so I could gain a pound or two back, but I am still in outstanding shape. 200 lbs or less by May 20th is looking very likely. I'm getting close.

Here's my progress thus far:

70 Days until May 20th.

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