Saturday, September 23, 2006


3 Fruit & Nut Granola Bars - 9 points

Lean Ole Chicken Burrito - 7 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Easy Mac - 5 points

Healthy Choice Ice Cream Sandwich - 3 points

TOTAL - 28 points (31)

Ok, heading into tomorrow's weigh-in. I got on the scale today and I come in below 263 lbs. In fact I have reached the 1/4 mark. I also weigh less than 262 lbs. I've gone to the gym 3 times this week (Tue, Thurs, Sat). Tomorrow will make 4 trips. I'm trying to find the magic formula to lose 2.5 pounds a week. I don't think I have found it though, I expect a 2 lb loss tomorrow bringing me to 261 lbs where I'll be knocking on the door of the 250s. We will see what happens tomorrow.


Special K Cereal (with Skim Milk) - 6 points

Healthy Choice Chicken Pasta Meal - 6 points

Fruit & Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

2 Del Taco Chicken Tacos - 14 points

Healthy Choice Ice Cream Sandwich - 3 points

TOTAL - 32 points (31)

Sorry I didn't post this yesterday.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Special K Cereal (with Skim Milk) - 6 points

Chicken Teryaki Bowl - 10 points

Baked Lays Chips - 4 points

Easy Mac - 5 points

Fruit & Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Healthy Choice Ice Cream Sandwich - 3 points

TOTAL - 31 points (31)

On target today, and I went to the gym. Must go Saturday and Sunday. Just staying the course.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


2 Blueberry Muffins (Einsteins) - 10 points
Small Orange Juice - 2 points

2 Chicken Tacos (Del Taco) - 10 points

Progresso Clam Chowder- 8 points

TOTAL - 30 points (31)

No gym today. I stopped at Costco and purchased cereal, easy mac, soup, fruit, and granola bars. So expect to see those in the coming days. I purchased the cereal to stop my trips to Einsteins. Need to buy some milk tomorrow (skim, of course). It is very important that I go to the gym tomorrow because Friday is reserved for Jackass 2.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Special K Cereal (with Skim Milk) - 6 points

2 Weight Watcher's Chocolate Snacks (1 pt each) - 2 points

Chicken Caesar Salad (Boston Market) - 16 points

Lean Ole Chicken Burrito - 7 points

Healthy Choice Ice Cream Bar - 3 points

TOTAL - 34 points (31)

Over today, but I'll be under tomorrow. It was late when I left work, but I still went to the gym.
We will see if I go tomorrow.

Monday, September 18, 2006


2 Blueberry Muffins (Einsteins) - 10 points
Small Orange Juice - 2 points

2 Weight Watcher's Chocolate Snacks (1 pt each) - 2 points

Hot Pocket Breakfast Biscuit - 6 points

Steak Lean Ole Burrito - 7 points

Healthy Choice Ice Cream Bar - 3 points

TOTAL - 30 points (31)

No gym today, going tomorrow. Still disappointed over last week. Must maitain focus.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Hot Pocket Breakfast Biscuit - 6 points

NesQuik Chocolate Milk - 3 points

2 Weight Watcher's Chocolate Snacks (1 pt each) - 2 points

Chicken Quesdilla (Del Taco) - 12 points
Chicken Soft Taco - 5 points

2 Healthy Choice Ice Cream Bars - 6 points

TOTAL - 36 points (31)

I was a little hungry today. Back on track tomorrow.

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 263.00 lbs

Weight Lost: 20.25 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 63.00 lbs

I'm now where I thought I was last week. I failed to reach the 1/4 mark. I'm disappointed, I went to the gym 5 times this week and stayed under on points, but only lost 2 pounds. I'm worried that if I do less I will lose less. I need to maintain a stronger pace for the next few weeks. Losing 2.5 a week is the pace I need to maintain for the next few weeks.

My workout is becoming more intense with more running versus walking, and my endurace during the running portion has been very good.

There are going to be some tremendous challenges along the way, but so far I've shown real committment and I know that I will come in next Sunday weighing less than 263 lbs.

Here's my progress below:
(The further away I am from the purple line the better because my rate of weight loss will slow down in a few months)

243 Days until May 18th.

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