Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Special K Cereal with Skim Milk - 6 points

Chef Boyardee Nacho Cheese Twistaroni - 9 points

Mushroom Swiss Chicken Sandwich (Half Moon) - 10 points
Cole Slaw - 4 points

TOTAL - 29 points (29)

I did ok, should have gone to the gym though.


Special K Cereal with Skim Milk - 6 points

2 Servings of Easy Mac - 10 points

Chef Boyardee Nacho Cheese Twistaroni - 9 points

Healthy Choice Ice Cream Sandwich - 3 points

TOTAL - 28 points (29)

I went to the gym on Monday. Much better on the points.

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 236.50 lbs

Weight Lost: 46.75 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 36.50 lbs

I only lost weight this week because I did manual labor at my temp job at FedEx. My eating was not very good, and I only went to the gym 3 times this week. I'm very unstable right now. I need to be losing 2 lbs. a week not 4 one week and none the next, a loss of 3+ pounds a week is very rare. I need to work on staying within the points this week. The YMCA will be closed on 12/24 and 12/25, so the next weigh-in will be on Tuesday 12/26.

Here's my progress thus far:

152 Days until May 18th.


3 Weight Watchers Blueberry Muffins - 9 points
Nesquik Fat Free Chocolate Milk - 3 points

Chicken Chalupa (Taco Bell) - 9 points
Beef Soft Taco (Taco Bell) - 4 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Healthy Choice Ice Cream Sandwich - 3 points

TOTAL - 32 points (29)

Why do I suck.


Steak and Egg Burrito (Del Taco) - 14 points

Chicken Fajita Salad (Champps) - 18 points

Healthy Choice Ice Cream Sandwich - 3 points

TOTAL - 35 points (29)

Not doing well.


Special K Cereal with Skim Milk - 6 points

Chicken Quesadilla (Taco Bell) - 13 points
Beef Soft Taco (Taco Bell) - 4 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Healthy Choice Ice Cream Sandwich - 3 points

TOTAL - 30 points (29)

Could have done better.


Steak and Egg Burrito (Del Taco) - 14 points

Steak and Cheese Burrito - 6 points

Chipotle Chicken Salad (Papago Brewery) - 12 points

TOTAL - 32 points (29)

Did not do very well today.

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