Saturday, June 02, 2007


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

2 slices Napoli (Z-Pizza) - 9 points

Green Apple - 2 points

2 servings of Easy Mac - 10 points

2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

TOTAL - 32 points (27)

No gym on Friday. Going out of town tomorrow, big test. Must withstand barrage of bad food.

Friday, June 01, 2007


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

2 servings of Easy Mac - 10 points

2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

TOTAL - 27 points (27)

Went to the gym, but only ran one mile again. I really feel the rust after not working out for two weeks.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Hormel Beef Stew - 7 points

2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

TOTAL - 24 points (27)

Ran a whimpy one mile. I feel stiff after not working out last week.

OK - I'm back!

I took my 2 week break to eat what I wanted. It was delicious. Now it's time to take care of business and get down to 177 pounds.


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Chili-dog Cheesearoni - 9 points

TOTAL - 20 points (27)

2 miles on the treadmill. More to come tomorrow.

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