Sunday, August 27, 2006

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 271.50 lbs

Weight Lost: 11.75 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 71.50 lbs

Ok, I didn't work out today, but 3 times this week was very good. I got there today for the weigh-in, but I had to meet up with my family for dinner. Very encouraged by this week. The extra 2 days at the gym translated into minus 1/2 lb. It was very close to 271 even, but I wasn't quite there. So, at this pace I should be into the 260s in one week.

I weighed 271 in May and I gained 12 pounds while studying for the LSAT. So I've now erased that weight in 22 days. I haven't totaled today's points but I was little undisciplined today, I believe I am over for the day (f*ck!), but not by alot.

Here's my progress. The Purple line is the pace I need to maintain to make it by May 18th. The blue is the actual results. I'm 4.5 lbs ahead of the pace so far.

264 Days until May 18th.

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