Monday, August 28, 2006


2 Chicken Tacos (Del Taco) - 14 points

1 Beef Chalupa (Taco Bell) - 9 points

Chipotle Chicken Salad (Macayo's) - 30 points

TOTAL - 53 points (31)

So the good news today is that I weighed in 2.5 lbs less. The bad news is that I've had my worst day of the diet so far. I got stuck at a restaurant and choose poorly (special thanks to Macayo's for providing the nutrition stats online). This week will now be even more important than last week due to what happened today. It's days like these that in the past, would send me into a tailspin of failure. So, I must regain focus tomorrow.

The question is: Do I want it bad enough?

The answer is: YES

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