Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Why am I doing this????

I feel that if people know about what I am trying to accomplish, people will be more supportive of what I am doing. Support is huge.

Also, it would be pretty humiliating if I were to fail this time. My attempts before were private, and private humiliation is easier to hide than public humiliation. Bascially, I'm putting my money where my mouth is.

How am I going to do it????

It will be hard. One problem is that I work about 65 hours a week. Going to the gym is a challenge, but it is necessary to my success. Of course the other side of this is a good diet. I would like to see a nutritionist soon. In the mean time I will use the Weight Watchers points system and post what I ate for the day on the blog. I am allowed 33 points a day. The points system rewards foods that are low in calories, fat, and high in dietary fiber. The points also allow for comparisons over time to be made.

How long will it take????

That's a good question. I'd like to put up a poll asking everyone how long it will take. If I stay committed from DAY 1, I should be there by May 18th, 2007. I should be half-way there by December 8th. My gut tells me that it will take a little longer.

When will this begin????

Friday I will do an official weigh-in and try to post a dreaded "Before" picture.

So, stay tuned, this should get interesting!!!!

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