Monday, September 11, 2006


2 Chicken Tacos (Del Taco) - 14 points

Weight Watchers Carrot Cake Snack - 1 points

Lean Ole Chicken Burrito - 7 points

Healthy Choice Fudge Bar - 3 points

TOTAL - 24 points (31)

I skipped breakfast which isn't good. I was way under today, and to lose 3 pounds this week I will need to stay under every day. I went to the gym today. I might go tomorrow too. I may go 5 times this week instead of 4 which is my goal (I want to say 6, but I doubt it would happen).

On a positive note, I unpacked some clothes that I used to barely fit into (and stopped wearing because they were so uncomfortable), now I easily fit into them (all are waist size 42). I probably need to lose 15 more pounds before size 40 is an option. At 200 pounds I should be down to a size 36, yikes.

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