Saturday, September 02, 2006


2 Blueberry Muffins (Einsteins) - 10 points

Small Orange Juice - 2 points

6 Chicken Taquitos - 12 points

Fruit & Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

TOTAL - 27 points (31)

Not bad today. I was 5 over yesterday, but 4 under today. I always thought taquitos were bad for you (that's probably because I used to eat 10 or more in one sitting). But as with most foods, moderation is key. 6 was actually quite a bit, but when you think about it they aren't that bad. Its just a corn tortilla with chicken.

I went to the gym today, the focal part of my workout is 20 minutes on the treadmill (3/4 mile walk, 1/4 sprint, walk the rest until I reach 20 mins.). I felt very good during my 1/4 mile sprint, this is good news. In a few weeks I'll be ready to sprint/run further. I'll probably go to a 2/3 mile walk, 1/3 miles run/sprint, walk the rest to 20 mins.

I got on the scale today. This was only to see if I lost weight for the week. Despite all the complaining and criticism of myself this week, I do indeed weigh less than 271.5 lbs. Tomorrow we will find out how much. My prediction has been wrong each week. I will go with 269.5 for tomorrow.

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