Thursday, September 07, 2006


Special K Cereal (with Skim Milk) - 6 points

3 Beef Soft Tacos (Taco Bell) - 12 points

6 Chicken Taquitos - 12 points

TOTAL - 30 points (31)

Under again, no gym. As I said yesterday, I really need to go tomorrow. I'm supposed to watch South Park Season 8 tomorrow night, and I don't leave work until 7PM. If i can leave earlier, I can pull off both.

If there's no gym tomorrow, I can't see myself losing more than 2 lbs this week. If I go Fri, Sat, Sun, a 2+ lb loss is entirely possible.

I really wonder what will happen on Sunday. Its funny how I only think in terms of "how much will I lose", rather than "will I lose?"

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