Sunday, October 08, 2006



2 Fruit & Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

2 Servings of Easy Mac - 10 points

Small Side Salad w/ Vingrette Dressing - 4 points

Chicken Breast - 6 points

Healthy Choice Ice Cream Sandwich - 3 points

TOTAL - 29 points (31)

Sorry I'm posting the next day. I went to the gym, got on the scale and I have lost weight again this week. The salad and chicken are from banquet I went to last night. I ate around all the bad items, the hunk of cheese on the salad, the rice on the chicken dish, the dessert, I even took the skin off the chicken to reduce its value. I am on a roll right now. Weigh-in is coming soon, i feel good about this week.

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