Sunday, October 01, 2006

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 258.00 lbs

Weight Lost: 25.25 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 58.00 lbs

I set out this week to lose 3 pounds, and I accomplished just that. There were two things this week that I believe contributed: I ran more on the treadmill (1/2 mi), and I did not eat muffins for breakfast from Einstein's. I have a sneaking suspicion that each muffin was worth more than 5 points apiece. This 3 pound loss is great news, it takes the pressure off of having to lose more than 2 lbs this week, but the momentum is going my way and I will keep going. A few milestones are quickly approaching:

1. I will decrease from waist size 42 to waist size 40 in the next few weeks.

2. When I fall below 250 lbs, I will only be allowed 29 points for food each day.

3. When I weigh myself I have to use the "250" increment on the scale, soon I will be on the "200" increment. For me this is a big deal because once I reach that point all I have to do is "keep moving to the left" to reach 200.

Here's my progress thus far:

229 Days until May 18th.

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