Monday, November 06, 2006

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 247.75 lbs

Weight Lost: 35.50 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 47.75 lbs

OK, I'm hanging tough right now. The Election is coming up and it ate away my free time (what little of it I had) to go to the gym. I salvaged 2 days this weekend, but not going to the gym all week, and a sloppy eating day on Saturday probably cost me up to another pound lost. I'm anxious for Wednesday because I will be refocused and I will have more time on my hands to exercise, I plan on spending a good hour in the gym 5 times a week, that will put me back on the 2lb loss a week pace that I am trying to maintain.

Here's my progress so far:

194 Days until May 18th.

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