Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 248.50 lbs

Weight Lost: 34.75 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 48.50 lbs

I didn't follow my points most of the week and I only went to the gym 3 times, the result was a gain of 3/4 of a pound. It could have been worse. If I want to make it to 200 lb by May, I need to turn the corner right now. The best thing to do is to stay focused on the smaller goals in front of me, that's how I pushed pass the 250 lb mark. I only need to lose 7 pounds to reach the halfway mark. Let's try to reach it in 3 weeks. December 3rd = 241.5 pounds, that's the goal. I predicted that I would reach the halfway point on December 8th, and that was back in August, let's make this happen.

Here's my progress thus far:

187 Days until May 18th.

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