Sunday, November 26, 2006

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 242.75 lbs

Weight Lost: 40.50 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 42.75 lbs

.....I'm Baaaaaaack! I don't know how I did it, but I shed 5 lbs this week. I am now 1.25 lbs from the halfway mark. If I stay on target I should reach it next week, 5 days ahead of schedule. I predicted December 8th back in August, it looks like December 3rd will be the day.

I've stepped up the running (.6 miles, up from .5), and got back to the weight machines. That made a difference this week, but the big one was staying focused on Thanksgiving. I will thank myself for that later.

Here's my progress thus far:

173 Days until May 18th.

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