Monday, January 15, 2007

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 233.25 lbs

Weight Lost: 50.00 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 33.25 lbs

I did well this week, but this mostly because I got to the gym this week 5 times, and I am now running one mile on the treadmill. My eating this week was a little sloppy. The eating must be corralled. A few milestones are approaching:

1. Another 5.5 pounds lost will get me to the 2/3 mark

2. Another 8.25 pounds lost and I will go down to 27 points a day! (man, I will be hungry)

3. Another 9.25 pounds lost will bring me to 224 lbs which is what I weighed in March 2004. I went up from here to the 283. 224 was sort of a barrier to me, I exercised well, but my eating was not controlled ultimately leading to my downfall.

The mini-goal right now is to eliminate the 230s and move into the 220s.

Will I make it by May 18th???? Here is how it looks so far:

124 Days until May 18th.

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