Monday, March 05, 2007

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 222.25 lbs

Weight Lost: 61.00 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 22.25 lbs

I lost 1.25 this week, but it could have been more if I didn't stray on Wed, Sat, and Sun. 5 or 6 trips a week to the gym plus 7 solid days of regimented eating should give me a 2 lb or more loss for the week, which is what we are looking for.

Honestly, I can eventually reach 200 lbs sometime this summer, and have had the complanceny set in at times. Why do I need to make it by May 18th? What is the significance? I'll make it anyways.

The significance is the motivation. May 18th is a goal, and I don't want to lower my standards by extending the deadline to June or July.

Although I don't really need to, I want to show myself and others just how strong I am on the inside by accomplishing this in just 9 months or so.

One more pound lost and I will reach the 3/4 mark, but I should reach that easily. I'm going for the gold this week and going to the 210s. Why? Because I can.

Here's my progress thus far:
(As you can see, I am not maintaining a strong enough pace to make it by May 18th)

75 Days until May 18th.

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