Sunday, April 08, 2007

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 209.50 lbs

Weight Lost: 73.75 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 9.50 lbs

I only went to the gym 4 times this week, but ran, 5K, 2 miles, 5K, and 2.5 miles for each trip this week. I also set a personal best 28:29 5K on Saturday. It will be appropriate to push my limits soon. I would like to start doing 5K on the treadmill on each trip, but I'm still gassed after I'm done, and I don't feel that I have the energy to do it again the following day. My eating besides yesterday was very disciplined this week. I ate out a few times, but stayed focused.

Well folks it's starting to look like I will cross the finish line around the second week of May. The turning point during this homestretch was on March 3rd when I did the Piestewa Peak hike and a 2 mile run at the YMCA in the same day. It was then that I knew I could step up the level of exercise, and I have. I plan some more hiking in the coming weeks, so it is only a matter of time before I reach 199 lbs.

Here's my progress thus far:

42 Days until May 20th.

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