Sunday, April 29, 2007

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 205.00 lbs

Weight Lost: 78.25 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 5.00 lbs

All winning streaks come to an end at some point. After 10 straight weeks of posting a loss, I had a no loss/no gain this week for the first time since February 11th. As you can see in the graph below I've had some lousy weeks. This week's disappointment is fine, I have been here before along this now 9-month marathon. After every crappy week I make my adjustments and move on. Here's what went wrong this week:

Things started off great on Monday with a strong 5K run but turned for the worst when I skipped workouts on Tuesday and Thursday for the Suns games, that was not the right decision. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I only ran 1 mile each time, that is not enough. I can do more. My eating this week was ok, and I could have salvaged maybe a 1/2 lb loss or so, but I threw it away watching the NFL Draft on Saturday and again today.


Must go to the gym 5-6 times this week, regardless of Suns game, gym is a priority.

If I can't do 5K, I must run at least 2 miles (1 mile runs are too little)

My extended Sunday run should be a high priority (I couldn't make it this week)

I also need to take this one week at a time. I'm too wrapped up thinking about making 200 lbs and the daunting challenge of losing more afterwards. I feel I do better when I focus on the mini-goal for the week. 5 pounds in 21 days is entirely within reach, but my mini-goal for the week must be accomplished - Sunday May 6th - 203 lbs, this is where I must place my focus.

Sorry for the long post, but I just need to get these thoughts out there and out of my head.

Here's my progress thus far:

21 Days until May 20th.

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