Sunday, May 06, 2007


Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 201.00 lbs

Weight Lost: 82.25 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 1.00 lbs

Last week I wrote about the three adjustments I needed to make to keep pace and reach 200 lbs by May 20th. Here they are:

Must go to the gym 5-6 times this week, regardless of Suns game, gym is a priority.
Went to gym 6 times this week!!!

If I can't do 5K, I must run at least 2 miles (1 mile runs are too little)
2 miles 4 times, 5K once, 4 miles once this week

My extended Sunday run should be a high priority (I couldn't make it this week)
I was just there and that run works wonders

I corraled my eating this week, and 4 pounds are gone, FOREVER!

So, it looks like next Sunday May 13th will be the day I cross the goal line. I see my doctor tomorrow so he will lay out the blueprint for this summer and what will be the ultimate goal (probably 175).

.................ALMOST THERE!!!!!!

Here's my progress thus far:

14 Days until May 20th.

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