Sunday, May 13, 2007

It took 279 Days.....but I MADE IT!

On August 2nd of last year I wrote the following, "If I stay committed from DAY 1, I should be there by May 18th, 2007."

For the most part I have stayed committed from Day 1.

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 199.50 lbs

Weight Lost: 83.75 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 22.50 lbs

Some stats:

It took 40 weeks to reach 200 pounds.

For each of the 40 week periods (Monday-Sunday). I lost weight 35 of the 40 weeks and only gained 2 out of the 40 weeks. I flat-lined 3 times.

As I wrote earlier it was not looking good in February, it looked like I would not be able to maintain the pace to make it by late May, but my Piestewa Peak Hike on March 10th showed me that I could push harder, and I really turned the corner. It was also around this time that I began my weekly 5-6 mile outdoor run with John. That made a tremendous difference down the stretch.

I saw my doctor on Monday. He has set the final goal at 177 pounds. I estimate that it will take until August 5th to reach this mark.

Since I have now crossed 200 pounds I am now allotted only 25 points a day for food, so it is going to get tough now, but I have come too far to not go for the gold and reach 177 pounds.

So, stay tuned for the Overtime Edition this summer as I make my final push.

Here's my progress thus far:

84 Days until August 5th

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