Sunday, July 15, 2007

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 195.00 lbs

Weight Lost: 88.25 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 18.00 lbs

So, I'm not really losing weight and I'm not really gaining weight. I've been hovering in the 190s for about 6 weeks now.

The problem with losing the last 18 pounds is that I need to find a reason for why I want to lose them. I look and feel good, but I know that losing another 18 pounds would make a big difference.

To make this final push I need to focus on my weekly mini-goal. The mini-goals were what got me to where I am today. This week I need to position myself to lose 2 pounds. This is what needs to happen:

SIX Trips to the gym (or 5 trips + 1 hike)
-This means that these garbage one mile runs aren't enough. It needs to be at least 2 miles every time. I haven't run 5K since May......not good.

-Time to come clean.....the granola bars are weighing me down. I need to sub out all post-dinner granola bars and sub in fruit. I bought some peaches and apples to solve this problem. This should shave 1-2 points a day.

I have come too far to throw away the end goal. It is literally right there in front of me. I just need to put up with 8 more weeks of low eating / high exercise and I am there.

Rather than show my "progress" here is what I need to do over the next 8 weeks:

63 Days until September 19th.

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