Sunday, September 30, 2007

Start Weight: 197.00 lbs

Current Weight: 197.00 lbs

Weight Lost: 0.00 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 20.00 lbs

So, am I back? Only time will tell, but I really want to lose these last 20 pounds. It is going to make a huge difference. I feel motivated. The weather outdoors has improved. I'm ready to push myself harder. I ran 5 3/4 miles today in 58 minutes, not bad. This is a good sign. I know what it takes to lose these 20 pounds, its time to just do it. Should take about 70 days.

But, first thing is first, I need to lose 2 pounds this week.

Here's what I will need to do:

70 Days until December 9th.

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