Sunday, January 06, 2008

200 or Bust has been retired. I have started my effort once again, only this time on a different blog:

Monday, December 03, 2007


4 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 12 points

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

9 vegetable spring rolls - 10 points

TOTAL - 30 points (27)

Not focused, controlling food is very difficult.

Start Weight: 200.75 lbs

Current Weight: 200.75 lbs

Weight Lost: 0.00 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 23.75 lbs

I don't know how effective this blog has been lately. I just need to find the motivation to finish the job. I feel no sense of accomplishment these days, I am still unsatisfied, maybe weighing 177 lbs will not satisfy me, but I think it will be what I am looking for.

If I can just focus for 3 months I can do this. 3 months is not a long time. Can I make it by Feb 24th? Only if I want it bad enough.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


3 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 9 points

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

9 vegetable spring rolls - 10 points

TOTAL - 27 points (25)

Ok, so I've brought the eating down every day this week. Let's see if I can get it down to 25 points tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


3 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 9 points

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Green Apple - 2 points

4 Mini-Quesadillas - 10 points

Turkey Breast Sandwich (ZPizza)- 8 points

TOTAL - 31 points (25)

Moving the right way on points, but I need to get it down to 25 points per day.

Monday, November 26, 2007


3 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 9 points

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Chicken Lo Mein Noodles - 18 points

TOTAL - 35 points (25)

My eating has simply not been in check for months now. If I didn't continue working out, I'd probably have gained 15-20 pounds back.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Thursday - 66 Days Left - 20.00 lbs remaining

3 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 9 points

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Southwestern Turkey Wrap - 12 points

Cole Slaw - 4 points

TOTAL - 35 points (25)

Ok, too many on Thursday, but its ok, I just need to get back on track for the weekend push. I got curious at the gym and I got on the scale, I have certainly lost weight this week. Ran 2 miles on the treadmill.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Wednesday - 67 Days Left - 20.00 lbs remaining

3 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 9 points

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

9 Vegetable Spring Rolls - 10 points

TOTAL - 27 points (25)

Over on points, but I did go to the gym on Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Tuesday - 68 Days Left - 20.00 lbs remaining

3 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 9 points

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Hormel Beef Stew - 7 points

TOTAL - 24 points (25)

Solid thus far, I have not felt too hungry and I went to the gym today. The key is pushing this out to Sunday. I need to hit the gym Wed, Thurs, Sat, and Sun. A hike on Saturday I think would guarantee a loss this week of at least 2 pounds.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Monday - 69 Days Left - 20.00 lbs remaining

2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

4 mini-quesadillas - 11 points

TOTAL - 25 points (25)

I did well on eating today but I skipped the gym for Monday Night Football, that is not showing much focus. However, pizza was ordered for MNF and I stared that pepperoni pizza down. That's will power.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday - 70 Days Left - 20.00 lbs remaining

3 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 9 points

5 California Rolls + stir-fry vegetables - 5 points

4 mini-quesadillas - 11 points

TOTAL - 25 points (25)

I've kept up the exercise, and the 5.75 mile run today shows that I am serious on the exercise side. I just need to push harder on eating. 25 points is very difficult to adhere to, the first step in navigating through tomorrow.

I can do this, it's only 20 pounds, I've knocked out like 86 pounds, 20 should not be a problem.

Start Weight: 197.00 lbs

Current Weight: 197.00 lbs

Weight Lost: 0.00 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 20.00 lbs

So, am I back? Only time will tell, but I really want to lose these last 20 pounds. It is going to make a huge difference. I feel motivated. The weather outdoors has improved. I'm ready to push myself harder. I ran 5 3/4 miles today in 58 minutes, not bad. This is a good sign. I know what it takes to lose these 20 pounds, its time to just do it. Should take about 70 days.

But, first thing is first, I need to lose 2 pounds this week.

Here's what I will need to do:

70 Days until December 9th.

Friday, September 07, 2007


Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Apple- 2 points

Progresso Chicken Soup- 4 points

Chipotle Chicken Caesar Salad - 10 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

TOTAL - 24 points (25)

Ran another 2 miles on Thursday.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Apple- 2 points

Chicken Caesar Salad (Sacks) - 12 points

Cookie - 4 points

Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl - 9 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

TOTAL - 35 points (25)

I've been running harder of late on the treadmill, but the eating is simply not disciplined. Am I now refocused? Who knows. I will say this, the blog worked before, and I believe that it can work again.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

2 Green Apples - 4 points

Chicken Caesar Salad (Keegan's) - 12 points

Healthy Choice Chocolate Bar - 2 points

TOTAL - 24 points (25)

More gym on Tuesday.

Monday, August 06, 2007


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

2 Green Apples - 4 points

Chicken and Rice Teriyaki Bowl - 9 points

Healthy Choice Chocolate Bar - 2 points

TOTAL - 21 points (25)

I ran 2 miles today. I have also freed myself from the powerful granola bar.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

One Year Later

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 196.00 lbs

Weight Lost: 87.25 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 19.00 lbs

Here we are one year later. I remember August 5th 2006 quite well. It was Day One of a journey that is not quite over.

I remember the last bad thing I ate on August 4th 2006 was a McFlurry from McDonalds after hanging out on a Friday night at the Pederson Campaign Finance House playing MarioKart with Jake and Mitch.

There was nothing special about August 4th, or really any other day around that time. The only special thing that happened was I decided there was no time like the present.

Those first few weeks were so critical. If I had failed then I'd still be a fat blubbery mess today. I was so focused, even when I fell I got back up and continued.

I wish I could recapture that spirit once again.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 196.50 lbs

Weight Lost: 86.75 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 19.50 lbs

Obviously there is no willpower right now. Hopefully this blog will shame me into losing the last 20 pounds.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Hormel Beef Stew - 7 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Peach - 2 points

TOTAL - 23 points (25)

Went to the gym, did not run enough though. Did well on food today.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 195.00 lbs

Weight Lost: 88.25 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 18.00 lbs

So, I'm not really losing weight and I'm not really gaining weight. I've been hovering in the 190s for about 6 weeks now.

The problem with losing the last 18 pounds is that I need to find a reason for why I want to lose them. I look and feel good, but I know that losing another 18 pounds would make a big difference.

To make this final push I need to focus on my weekly mini-goal. The mini-goals were what got me to where I am today. This week I need to position myself to lose 2 pounds. This is what needs to happen:

SIX Trips to the gym (or 5 trips + 1 hike)
-This means that these garbage one mile runs aren't enough. It needs to be at least 2 miles every time. I haven't run 5K since May......not good.

-Time to come clean.....the granola bars are weighing me down. I need to sub out all post-dinner granola bars and sub in fruit. I bought some peaches and apples to solve this problem. This should shave 1-2 points a day.

I have come too far to throw away the end goal. It is literally right there in front of me. I just need to put up with 8 more weeks of low eating / high exercise and I am there.

Rather than show my "progress" here is what I need to do over the next 8 weeks:

63 Days until September 19th.


Did horrible today. Where am I going?

TOTAL - ??? points (25)

No hiking, no gym, pathetic.


4 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 12 points

Chicken Caesar Salad - 12 points

TOTAL - 24 points (25)

I did better on Saturday and went to the gym.


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Taco Salad - lots of points

TOTAL - ??? points (25)

Poor performance on Friday.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Chicken and Rice Teriyaki Bowl - 9 points

2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

TOTAL - 26 points (25)

Went to the gym, but I need to run more.


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Chicken Caesar Salad - 14 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

TOTAL - 28 points (25)

No gym on Wednesday.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Chicken and Rice Teriyaki Bowl - 9 points

2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

TOTAL - 26 points (25)

It has been awhile, but I am back. One day at a time. Vacation is over, back to business. Ran a measly one mile today......not good enough.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wednesday - 46 Days Left - 12.75 lbs remaining

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

BBQ Chopped Salad (CPK) - 16 points

4 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 12 points

TOTAL - 39 points (25)

I went to the gym, but my eating is not very good right now. I need to cool it down on the granola bars (they are quite tasty). I'm not expecting a loss this week.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tuesday - 47 Days Left - 12.75 lbs remaining

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

9 Vegetable Spring Rolls- 10 points

3 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 9 points

TOTAL - 30 points (25)

Went to the gym, but I need to do better on food. Too many granola bars (they are good though)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Monday - 48 Days Left - 12.75 lbs remaining

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

3 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 9 points

Chicken Caesar Wrap - 13 points
Cole Slaw Side - 3 points

TOTAL - 36 points (25)

I went to the gym on Monday, but I need to corral this eating.

Sunday - 49 Days Left - 12.75 lbs remaining

4 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 12 points

Taco Salad - 25 points

TOTAL - 37 points (25)

Breakdown in focus. Taco Salad isn't really much of a "salad".

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 189.75 lbs

Weight Lost: 93.50 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 12.75 lbs

I'm simply on fire right now! My physical activity was not as strong this week, though I hiked Piestewa on Saturday and that probably made up for it, but I am dominating on eating right now, my discipline is phenomenal and barley human at this point.

I 'm expecting to hit a wall at some point soon, and exercise will need to take command, this isn't over yet!

Here's my progress thus far:

49 Days until August 5th.

Saturday - 50 Days Left - 17.00 lbs remaining

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

4 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 12 points

9 Vegetable Spring Rolls- 10 points

TOTAL - 24 points (25)

Hiked Piestewa and went to the YMCA on Saturday.

Friday - 51 Days Left - 17.00 lbs remaining

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Vegetable Pita (Good Egg) - 5 points
Fruit Cup - 2 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Chicken Casear Salad (Yardhouse) - 16 points

2 Beers - 6 points

TOTAL - 36 points (25)

I know. I know. Beer. I've been amazing at eliminating liquid points over the last 10 months, it's been key to my success. It's like out-rebounding your opponent in basketball, you'll usually win if you do so.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursday - 52 Days Left - 17.00 lbs remaining

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Teryaki Chicken Rice Bowl - 9 points

TOTAL - 20 points (25)

Body Blow. Body Blow. Body Blow. Put-'em-away!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wednesday - 53 Days Left - 17.00 lbs remaining

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Teryaki Chicken Rice Bowl - 9 points

TOTAL - 20 points (25)

Trying to lose some weight this week is going to be very tough. If I work out hard Thursday-Sunday, and am lights out on the eating, I can do it, but it will be awfully tough. I'm just happy that my breathing is back on track. No gym on Wednesday, that's 3 days in a row of no gym (NOT HAPPY!).

Tuesday - 54 Days Left - 17.00 lbs remaining

Chocolate Cjip Cookie - 8 points

Blueberry Muffin - 8 points

Tomato Mozzarella Salad w/ side of chicken - 14 points

Sweet Potato Fries - 10 points

TOTAL - 40 points (25)

I went to the ER for my breathing problem on Tuesday. They solved it. Tuesday was a little strange as I was out of my "eating routine". No gym Tuesday obviously.

Monday - 55 Days Left - 17.00 lbs remaining

Yoplait Peach Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Pregresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Chef Boyardee Chili-Cheese Dog Twistaroni - 9 points

2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

TOTAL - 26 points (25)

There was no gym on Monday as I experienced some breathing problems.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sunday - 56 Days Left - 17.00 lbs remaining

4 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 12 points

2 Chicken Tacos (Del Taco) - 14 points

TOTAL - 26 points (25)

Did some running and played some B-Ball on Sunday.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaack!!!!

Start Weight: 283.25 lbs

Current Weight: 194.00 lbs

Weight Lost: 89.25 lbs

Weight Left to Lose: 17.00 lbs

I have righted the ship and am back on course. I don't know how I lost 6 pounds this week, but I did. My hike to Camelback probably helped the cause. In addition, it is just warmer outside now so I just sweat more.

I did ok on eating this week, but more discipline is always needed. I'm trying to drop as many as I can before my vacation to D.C. in July.

I am a little concerned that I didn't run 5K this week on the treadmill. I need to up the level of running again. I was good this week, but lucky. The next 17 pounds are going to be a fight, a fight I look forward to winning this summer.

Here's my progress thus far (that's a wild fluctuation the past 4 weeks):
56 Days until August 5th.


5 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 15 points

Powerade - 4 points

BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad (CPK) - 9 points

TOTAL - 28 points (27)

Hiked Camelback on Saturday, the view was awesome!

Saturday, June 09, 2007


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Chicken Caesar Salad - 12 points

3 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 9 points

Grapes - 2 points

TOTAL - 28 points (27)

I made a rare Friday afternoon trip to the gym.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Chef Boyardee Nacho Cheesearoni - 9 points

4 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 12 points

TOTAL - 32 points (27)

I did well at the gym, but I am better than 32 points. I am on the road to another solid week.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Chicken Caesar Salad - 15 points

TOTAL - 26 points (27)

No gym today. Don't worry I'm back down to 200. Getting ready to make a push this weekend. I think Jake and I are finally going to take on Camelback.


Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt - 2 points

Fruit and Nut Granola Bar - 3 points

Progresso Chicken Soup - 4 points

Green Apple - 2 points

Chef Boyardee Nacho Cheesearoni - 9 points

2 Fruit and Nut Granola Bars - 6 points

TOTAL - 26 points (27)

2 miles = 16:41, that's a new personal best.

Saturday through Monday

I was good for the most part except for Sunday. I lost weight so I did something right, but I'm not doing it in a typical disciplined fashion.

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